The Crazy Coe’s – Off Grid living and crafting

When the Wind blows

Well Windy the turbine is back and looking fine again. The husband has replaced the 3 blades that were torn and bent with some spares

Meet Windy Weather Coe

The turbine (Windy) has been a family member for over 5 years and it has lived quietly in its box never complaining about the lack

A little taste of our own

What was paradise. but a garden full of vegetables and herbs and pleasure? Nothing there but delights. William Lawson Well everything is growing a little

From the Roots Up

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves Mahatma Gandhi Backyard growing seems more important than ever


I have always loved trees. When I was a child my most beloved memories are of my Dad making the trees in the park talk.